Here are a few sites we thought you might find interesting & a few links to help keep your computer running properly.
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~ Mayne Island Website. Check out where we are living... Heaven | |
~ The Microsoft Network | |
~ Yahoo Canada | |
~ The RCMP Site | |
~ A great website for support and information for Police members and their families. | |
~ The RCMP Wives and Families Group - Both are through MSN. | |
~ Get Yahoo Messenger. My ID is jennkins. | |
~ Canada 411- Click here for a really good people finder on the internet, it also has reverse look up for phone numbers. | |
~ IncrediMail Email Program - This is a great program and isn't susceptible to viruses like Outlook Express. | |
~ Housecall Antivirus - The Online Scan - This can take awhile to download... keep trying since it works great. | |
~ Norton Antivirus - The Online Scan & Security Check - This is another online virus scanner. Scroll down their page and click on "Check for Security Risks" then do whichever scan you need. |
~ AVG Antivirus Program - This is a FREE Antivirus program that works. | |
~ Ad Aware - Great FREE Spyware detection program. | |
~ ZoneAlarm FireWall - This is the best firewall that I know of, I have used the Pro edition for years and it works great. | |
~ Microsoft ClipArt Gallery/Template Gallery - This is a wonderful place to find templates for letters too. | |
~ Internet Clock - This is an amazing clock, don't know who wrote it but it is very cool. | |
Online Travel Sites ~ Compare Airfares and Hotels (Online booking is almost always cheaper - but you must shop around for the best deal) |
~ - This is where we look for most of our travel packages. | |
~ - This one compares small & major airlines, hotels and more. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED | |
~ - If you can leave on vacation right away, then this site offers the best deals. | |
~ - I prefer using this one over Expedia since Travelocity is consistantly cheaper. | |
Sites I Have Built (I am not maintaining many anymore because most were done by volunteer and people took over when I left.) |
~ The Spa Review - Find out about which Spa is great and which isn't. | |
~ Mayne Island Community School - Our wonderful school. | |
~ The Mayne Island Community Centre - Our local community centre. | |
~ West Coast Tutor - A great tutor for school. | |
~ OdorBeGone - A filter for septic tank vents. | |
~ HolmesLand Design - A filter for septic tank vents. | |
I have rebuilt my own site at least 10 times, and as with anything, you learn along the way. | |